
A set square or triangle (American English) is an object used in engineering and technical drawing, with the aim of providing a straightedge at a right angle or other particular planar angle to a baseline.

The most simple form of set square is a triangular piece of transparent plastic (or formerly of polished wood) with the centre removed. More commonly the set square bears the markings of a ruler and a half circle protractor. The outer edges are typically bevelled. These set squares come in two usual forms, both right triangles: one with 90-45-45 degree angles, the other with 30-60-90 degree angles. Combining the two forms by placing the hypotenuses together will also yield 15° and 75° angles. They are often purchased in packs with protractors and compasses.

In many European countries, the most common form of set square combines a 90-45-45 triangle with a protractor into a single tool made of clear plastic. Named "Geodreieck" (German for "geometry triangle"), it was originally developed and trademarked by the German manufacturer Aristo-Instrumente Dennert KG (now GEOtec Zeichen- und Kunststofftechnik GmbH) in 1964.

Source: Set square from Wikipedia

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